The Human Behaviour

Narcissism I Who is a Narcissist? I Some facts you should know about

Dig Deeper into knowing about Narcissism.

What is Narcissism? Do you know someone from your family or friends when around them? They are the topic of all the discussions, and all the stories are about them. Or there is a person who wants others to apologize no matter their mistake. Or, some days, you realize the other person is controlling you, or your relationship is based on punishment and rewards. If the answer to most questions is yes, I’m sorry to tell you that you have a narcissist in your life. But what is narcissism?

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Narcissism is a mental disorder in which the person feels an exaggerated sense of themselves. It is always about them, and they have various fantasies in their mind in which they are the hero, so they should be appreciated, admired, and obeyed. We will take a ride into the world of narcissism, and together, we will discover deep, dark secrets of narcissism. So, are you excited about the journey? Let’s begin.

What makes a Narcissist a Narcissist?

Here are the few traits that make a narcissist a narcissist:

  • A sense of superiority and entitlement: The hallmark of narcissism sufferers is that they strongly believe they are better than others and deserve special treatment. They also have this sense in mind that others should obey their wishes and that the rules don’t apply to them, which means they don’t have to fulfill any desires of the people.
  • Another common trait of narcissism is manipulating or controlling behavior. A narcissist starts with pleasing and impressing you, but gradually, their needs will be prioritized. Narcissists will try to keep people at an arm-length distance. This helps them to maintain control when communicating with other people. They may even exploit others to gain something for themselves.
  • A constant need for praise or admiration is one of the most common characteristics of a narcissist. People who exhibit this behavior seek validation from others and frequently brag or exaggerate their accomplishments to gain recognition. They also want to feel appreciated to boost their ego.
  • Another sign of narcissism is a lack of empathy. This means that the narcissist is unwilling or unable to empathize with other people’s needs, desires, or feelings. This makes it difficult for them to accept responsibility for their actions. People who exhibit narcissistic behavior already believe they are superior to others, so they may become rude and abusive when they do not receive the treatment they think they deserve. While they consider themselves superior, they may disrespect those they consider inferior.
  • Other common signs include, but are not limited to:
    • Bragging about their achievements in a way that irritates the other person.
    • They are friends with important or empowered people. You will often see their photos and videos on their social media.
    • Misbehaving with their employees, such as overburdening them with the workload and being rude to them in different ways.
    • They hold grudges for a long time over minor issues. They will leave no stone unturned to abuse their foe.
    • Taking credit for other people’s work. So forth and so on.

These characteristics can vary from person to person, but they express themselves in one or the other form.

figure out narcissism

Types of Narcissism:

Yes, narcissism also comes in types. According to personality traits and how they play games, narcissism is divided into two kinds:

grandiose narcissism and vulnerable narcissism.

Grandiose Narcissism:

Grandiose narcissism is most likely exhibited in people who were treated as if they were superior or something extraordinary during childhood. These expectations will continue to grow with them as they become adults. They tend to brag and eventually become self-obsessed. If I talk about behavior patterns, grandiose narcissists are aggressive and dominant.

As a life partner, you will see them bragging about their achievements in front of their life partner, and if their life partner is successful, they will brag about their life partner in front of others. As parents and siblings, they want their kids and other siblings to achieve exceptionally, and if they don’t, in most cases, they will curse and abuse them or, in the worst case, may not own their family. They act very confident and aren’t sensitive.

Vulnerable Narcissism:

Unlike the first category, vulnerable narcissists exhibit behavior patterns as a self-defense mechanism. They adopt these characteristics because of a dysfunctional or disturbed childhood. These kids come from backgrounds where they were living in joint families, or their parents were working, or they had many siblings because of which they were neglected.

Similarly, kids of single parents also exhibit vulnerable narcissism. They are hyper-sensitive individuals, but don’t be fooled that they have any feelings of empathy; they do not have any. They are only sensitive to their own needs.

Often they are introverts and exhibit passive aggression. They are also excellent manipulators.

What can one do about Narcissism?

Before I proceed with the question of what you can do if you happen to have a narcissist in your life, let us stop and applaud you because you are better than you think. Now this may seem very irrelevant. But narcissists don’t pick ordinary people as their victims. They target the best of the t best—the people who surpass their levels. Last but not least, they like resilient and emotionally strong individuals with whom they can play well, and finally, as a self-satisfaction, they have something to brag about.  

Back to our question: what can one do about a narcissist? Here are a few things you can do:

  • Educate Yourself: If you have a narcissist in your life, the first thing you should do is to educate yourself about narcissism and their behavior patterns. This will help you understand their mind games, and you will be able to deal more wisely.
  • Create Boundaries: If you believe that narcissists can differentiate good from evil and know their boundaries. You are wrong; they will continue to cross them until you communicate them clearly, and in other cases, a shut up call seems like more appropriate words. So, set boundaries with them.
  • Stay Calm: If you want to outstand a narcissist, be vigilant about how you behave. Narcissists want you to react to all the negativity and manipulation they throw at you, but you don’t have to respond and show them that you don’t care. This shuts a narcissist off.
  • Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to get help. When you think your mental health is at stake and things are out of hand. Reach out to a psychologist and seek help. They can give you a more personalized guide on dealing with them.
  • Watch Your Words: Here is a bonus tip: if they are an unavoidable part of your life, never bring two lies they told you to the table or ask for justifications about their lies. This way, you are educating them about how to be innovative. But again, no matter how much you educate them, they will be the same at the end of the day.


What does a narcissistic partner look like?

Have you ever been out for dinner with a narcissist? If that were your first interaction, it would be ideal or dreamy.  They won’t glance at their phone once; it’s all about you. They will love-bomb you and spoil you in all the ways possible until you are love and emotionally dependent on them.

Here comes the twist: sometimes rapidly and other times slowly, they will turn the tables, taking away all the affection they showered on you, and then you will see the most manipulative version, which will include mind games, lies, silent treatment, cheating, and whatnot. 

From now on, they will shower you with love only when you do something desirable for them. If they are your parents, they will treat you well when you have scored good grades or done something they can tell their friends about and be proud of you.

If they are your partners, you may have helped them pay bills or did some chores, or you caught them cheating but decided to ignore them.


Narcissism is a complicated mental disorder that comes in various types. There can be multiple reasons for developing narcissism, but more often, it’s either more than needed love and affection or total neglect or abuse as a child. Narcissism can develop in early teens and continues to worsen with age. It can only be treated if the patient is committed to changing themselves, which is rarely the case.

But you can, of course, avoid them by setting proper boundaries, educating yourself, and staying calm. Also, if you feel things are getting out of hand, stop, breathe, and consult a mental healthcare professional.


Do give a read : What Is Dark Psychology? Discover Some Facts About Dark Psychology.

Dig Deeper into knowing about Narcissism. What is Narcissism? Do
