The Human Behaviour

Mind Control

At some point or another, we often face a dilemma in which we want to control another person’s mind. There can be various reasons for that; sometimes, we want them to understand our point of view and change their thinking perspective, maybe other times we want them to do as we wish to or like us; if you have a rude boss, you may want to inflect laziness in them, and if it’s your ignoring partner you may wish to induce care and attention towards you in their mind. That is exactly what mind control is.

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But are there any hacks that can help you control their minds without them knowing? Luckily, yes, there are. In the blog, I will discuss how you can modify some of the tricks used by the marketing and entertainment industry and politicians to control your minds and get your way through.

Types of Undetected Mind Controls:

There are various ways to control someone’s mind unknowingly. For our understanding, let’s name them white and black hat hacks. They will be used to positively and negatively influence depending on our aims.


Starting with hypnosis, one of the most widely used techniques to control minds. Now, if the person who is under hypnotism has given consent, then how come it’s undetected? No, my friend, I’m not talking about that. Marketers use the hypnosis under discussion to influence your decision to buy a product. We call it anchoring.

For example, Assume you’re out walking, and you smell your mother’s signature dish from a restaurant nearby. You can’t stop thinking about that dish and, eventually, your mother and the emotions associated with the memory. It’s an automatic reaction. Almost everyone instantly recalls these memories or associations when triggered by an input such as touch, smell, sounds, or visuals.

The entire advertising industry is based on anchoring. Evoke a positive emotion with sound and images, then add a brand identity to connect the two. Then, similar to your mother’s signature dish and restaurant example, whenever you see that restaurant in the future, even if you can’t smell that aroma again, you will experience the same emotion.

Consider a horror film where the music evokes the emotion of fear. Advertising jingles function in the same way. Consider the catchy jingle, then consider the product to which it is linked.


Therapists remove the anchors or associations that trigger unwanted behavior in supervised hypnosis; however, in marketing, you want to anchor your brand to a positive emotion or feeling. This is why it is critical to include your branding on all of your content in order to connect the emotions of the content to your brand. An anchor can be triggered by a logo, music, or even a domain name.


Human brain catches and responds to visual clues rapidly and what can be better than controlling minds using such a powerful tool? Illustration is such an essential part of human brains. For example let me give you an example from the 1940’s a study was conducted to study effects of visuals on human brains. A kid of 9 years was first let off on the road as a clean maintained white girl who has lost her parents and everyone showed sympathy to her. Later the same girl was sent out in black girl’s attire and makeup and the same people who were helping her before were looking down on her.

Similarly, in daily life if you notice we like meeting people who are more good looking and well maintained sub consciously our mind is under their influence. Some brands spend a lot of capital on branding, advertisements and graphics and amazingly, when we go to the market mostly we are buying from those brands on the other hand, a brand which is selling higher quality goods but with lower illustrations we avoid them. So if you want to control someone’s mind and unconsciously maintain yourself in front of them, eventually they will like you.


Framing is simply a method of modifying how we sort, categorize, associate, and ultimately assign meaning to events, objects, or behaviors. For example, “The glass is half empty, and  this glass is half filled with water” are both explaining the same thing but how you approach the situation makes a difference. Similarly, The headline “FBI Agents Surround Cult Leader’s Compound” paints a very different mental picture than the headline “FBI Agents Raid Small Christian Gathering of Women and Children.” Both headlines may be true, but the words used alter the associated internal images and feelings, changing or altering the meaning that a person assigns to objective events.

This is the same method that politicians use to get votes. Politicians if I mention the recent events of Israel and Palestine, pro-Palestinians and anti Israelis are two words pointing towards the same point of view but  of the abortion debate,  “pro” has more positive connotations than “anti.” Framing subtly employs emotionally charged words to sway people’s opinions in your favor.




Mirroring is the practice of imitating the movements and body language of the person being persuaded. Empathy is created by acting like the person who is listening.

Mirroring hand gestures, leaning forward or away, and various head and arm movements are all options. We all do it subconsciously, and if you pay attention, you’ll notice yourself doing it.

Be subtle with your mirroring and wait 2-4 seconds between the other person’s movement and yours. “The chameleon effect” is another name for mirroring. As the Chameleon changes the colors according to the environment. The daily life example is the politicians, if you have ever noticed, they wear their outfits according to the culture of where they are going, it’s to make the host feel that they belong to them and people can trust them. Or a kid who is rude to some undesirable uncle or aunt eventually gets friendly when they start to act childish or mimic what the kid is doing. This is how mirroring works.


Advertisers frequently use scarcity to make opportunities appear more appealing due to their limited availability. The assumption is that if a product is scarce, it must be in high demand! (Buy one now because they’re going fast).

Be aware that this is a persuasion technique to which you are frequently exposed, and consider it when making your purchase decision.

You can use this technique in your relationship if your partner is sending you mixed signals. You act if there are many options around waiting for your yes and that they are lucky that you are giving them enough love and attentions, the fear of loss and sarcacity will immediately attract them towards you.


When someone does something nice for us, we feel obligated to repay the favor. So, if you want someone to do something nice for you, why not start with them?

In a business setting, you could give them a lead.

You could offer to lend your lawnmower to a neighbor at home.

It makes no difference where or when you do it; the important thing is to complement the relationship.

Master the Art of Time:

Know when to talk. When people are mentally exhausted, they are more likely to be agreeable and submissive. Consider waiting until they’ve just done something mentally taxing before asking them for something they might not readily agree to. This could be at the end of the workday when you see a coworker walking out the door. Whatever you ask, you’re likely to get the response, “I’ll take care of it tomorrow.” For example, your mother just cooked dinner and you are running out of pocket money. That’s the best time to ask her because she will give you after no or limited debate.

Similarly, if you think you have scored lower grades you can go to your professor after they have attended a mentally challenging lecture and if you are confident and good with words most likely he may increase your grades to better.


Subconsciously, we all strive to be consistent with previous actions. Shaking your hand while negotiating is a technique used by salespeople. Most people associate a handshake with a closed deal, so doing so before the deal is closed increases the salesperson’s chances of closing it.

A good way to apply this is to get people to act before they make up their minds. For example, if you were out with a friend and wanted to go see a movie but the friend was undecided, you could start walking in the direction of the theater while they were thinking about it. They will start walking with you too. Similarly, we have the person who ends the conversation first will get an upper hand when the two people will talk next time why? Because they already have built an influence on the other person.



Human mind is a very powerful tool yet it’s very easy to manipulate. There are many techniques to do so. Some will give an idea to the next person what you are up to and of course in that case their consent is required but in the other case which I call as black hat techniques you don’t need to tell the other person for example in the art of anchoring, framing, illustrations and reciprocation frankly speaking undetected mind control is not limited to this but spreads across to various techniques and domains and the marketers,politicians and  manipulators never tell you what they are up to but you do exactly what they want. With some practice and patience you can also master the techniques but remember to use them with caution.













At some point or another, we often face a dilemma
